
Showing posts from 2012

10. Describe your most embarrasing moment.

My MOST embarrassing moment only two or three people know and it is WAY to long to post about. Sorry maybe if you ask nicely I'll tell your in private. I will share a blonde moment with you.  I use to work at IHOP in Orem and one day a hispanic lady came in and asked if I knew where LaQuinta is? I said hold on I don't know, but I can ask. I went and asked my cooks and they looked at me funny and said they didn't know. I went back and said to her. I'm sorry I don't think we have a LaQuinta that works here.... Oh about 3 months later my family and I are driving to Denver and we pass a LaQuinta on the side of the road and I was like OHHHHH thats a LaQuinta!! So then I had to tell them the story and they've never let me live it down since. Hope that made you smile! Oh and LaQuinta is a hotel by the way :)

9. List 8 people who have influenced you and describe how.

1. Peyton This little girl makes me grow everyday. She is in time out one and giving me a kiss just because the other second. She is so energetic and lovable.  We are a lot alike in so many ways it scares me. She makes me want to be a better person so that she has that good example to look up to. 2. Mike He is the person that knows me best. He knows everything about me. He calls me out when I need it. He taught me to trust and love and live. He makes me laugh everyday. He really is my best friend. 3. Frank My Dad! I don't think he knows how much I look up to him. He is such a good person. He owns his own buisness and works VERY hard every single day. He has done so much for me and I don't know how I will ever make it up to him. 4. My Mom She has gone through a lot in her life and expects nothing. She is always giving and thinking of others. I am my mom everyone says. She is strong and stands her ground. She is smart and beautiful. 5. A YW leader She taught me whe...

8. What are 5 passions you have?

1. Sports I love anything sports. I have my don't get me wrong I really like contact sports. I love playing them the most, but I do like watching them. 2. Disney I am a huge Disney freak, but not a lot of people know that about me. It's kind of a closet nerd thing. It is one of my absolute favorite places to be with my family. 3. Family Of course this is an obvious one. I am very protective of my family. They are everything to me as they should be. 4. Friends I have known a lot of friends since Elementary school! I sure do love those kids! 5. Church I a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! It is my life and I love it!

7. What is your dream job, and why?

Mike actually asked me this last week, because he is going to start pursuing his dream job. We were driving in the car so I had a little bit of time to think. My first thought was something warm and doing something fun obviously. I thought Disney of course. I would love to work for Disney and I'm not smart enough to be an Imagineer. I wouldn't want to be a Cast Member. I did think being a Princess would be fun, but then it hit me. I would want to be a PLAID! Yes defiantly a plaid. A plaid is basically a Disneyland Tour Guide, but of course much cooler than the average CM (cast member, employee) they are expensive depending if you want the premium or regular VIP packages. Another dream job of mine would be doing something in Hawaii, maybe I have to review snow-cone shops :) I would also love to travel and eat. If I was a well renowned food critic who got paid to travel and review the worlds top restaurants. So there you have i...

6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

Physically?  My car accident for sure. Some would say labor, but that was actually really easy for me (knock on wood) i'd take labor over going to the dentist any day of the week.  I remember the pain of laying on my cracked scapula and how bad that hurt, I cannot describe how much pain I was in. It was really hard everything about that was hard and that's all i'm going to say about that. Emotionally I really have been avoiding this post because of what it is, I really don't want to admit it out loud. The death of my friend C.J. Morris. The last time I saw him it was a bad conversation and it was 2 weeks before. I do feel very guilty, I always say "What if" I know it was him who made the choice, but obviously I am not over what happend. I am not sure I'll ever be. I look forward to the day I see him again, I hope I get the chance.  I often think about the good times and I will never forget two things about him. His million dollar smile an...

5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?

1. Mike! I will post about what he gave me for my birthday when I have a few minutes. Everyday I think how did I get so lucky? I am so blessed he is all mine. He works hard to provide for our family and he is good a what he does. He has his quirks and that makes me love him even more. 2. Peyton We were gone for only a couple days and I missed that little punk more than I thought. She is such a handfull, always moving never stopping. She brings so much joy and laughter into our home. 3. Houston Ah my little man, I just can't get enough of him. His smiles and giggles make it all worth it. He is such a happy and good baby. He slept from 12:00 to 7:30 so he is on my good list today :) 4. Family I know I just mentioned my cute family, but my family. My brothers and sisters on both sides. I was telling my mom how lucky we are to all be so very close. There are lots of families who don't get along and I love hanging out with every single person in my family!! 5. Church M...

4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

1. Be thankful for what you have, your parents work/worked very hard for you. 2. You are not going to marry the person you are dating right now. Date around! 3. You may not want kids now, but one day they will be your whole world! 4. Be honest with your parents, lying will take away your freedoms. 5. Eat your heart out because one day you might not be able to eat everything you want. 6. Don't care what other people think of you. 7. Watch your mom cook, you'll need those skills. Oh and help out too. 8. Join the golf team on softballs off season. 9. WEAR YOUR SEATBELT! 10. Sit back and enjoy the ride, live love learn!

3. Describe your relationship with your parents.

AMAZING! Growing up I was a really good kid till about eleventh grade. I decided to give my parents a hard time and be a teenager. I didn't mature until after my car accident.... I think the hard times made our relationship stronger and what it is today. I respect my parents so much and think all the time about how ungrateful I was. Moving out really opened my eyes. Then having kids of my own and the time, energy and money is an even bigger wake up call. I can't ever thank my parents enough for what they've done for me. My family really is my best friends especially my parents. I talk to at least one of them if not both once a day and if a few days go by. I get a phone call and the first words I hear are "Where have you been we haven't seen you in a while." Even though I do go over there every Sunday. Oh and lets not forget the classic voicemail from my dad. "Call Me" because seeing a missed call from him doesn't tell me that ;)

2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

1. My first fear is stupid, but it is a fear none the less. I am terrified of praying mantices. I remember lining up for class in 2nd grade and this boy named Michael would grab them off of the red brick wall of Valley View and chase me around with them. As I got older the more terrified i became. I was picking some tomatoes out of our garden when I screamed and rand away and fell to the ground and stared to cry. Mike came running out the dog and him were freaking out. There was the biggest nastiest green one right by my hand. Snakes no problem, spiders aren't my favorite but those nasty things are a huge fear of mine. 2. I think it would be something having to do with my family, they are my everything. I am so very close with my extended family too. I just can't bear the thought of anything happening to any of them. 3. Heights. I hate heights. I hate flying, I hate ferris wheels, I hate/love roller coasters. I like the speed, but not the heights. I rode the thing at Lagoo...

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.

 1. I can't eat in the dark, I have to see what I am eating and look at every bite. 2. When I run I have to chew gum or I go CRAZY!  3. I am terrified of praying mantises. 4. I never thought I'd have two kids by 24 let alone ever. 5. I LOVE anything Disney. 6. I'm a sucker for flowers and Mike knows it. 7. I absolutely hate cleaning toilets and vacuuming stairs. (that was my chores as a kid) 8. I deep clean when I'm mad.  9. I over eat when I'm happy, which is a lot :) 10. Jeans a Tee shirt and flip flops are my favorite outfit any day of the week. 11. I can't sleep if the blankets and sheets are tucked in. 12. I've never dieted and never will unless you count carbonation. 13. I have public toilet syndrome 14. I have a potty mouth that i'm working on especially now that Peyton is a parrot.  15. I love Black Jack, double down baby! 16. I am a kid a heart, I never want to truly gr...

30 things!

Took this from my friend Bridgett off of her cute blog. THE LIST: 1. List 20 random facts about yourself. 2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears. 3. Describe your relationship with your parents. 4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could. 5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now? 6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced? 7. What is your dream job, and why? 8. What are 5 passions you have? 9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how. 10. Describe your most embarrasing moment. 11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have. 12. Describe a typical day in your current life. 13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have. 14. Describe 5 strengths you have. 15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? 16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments? 17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at? 18. What has been the most difficult thing you have h...


A few months ago when I was prego, my friend posted a picture on facebook. I immediately knew I wanted to try it because I was a bridesmaid in a wedding 2 weeks after I was due. I wanted to fit in to my dress as fast as I can. I have done 3 wraps now and I will email you my pictures if you want to see, but I'm not one to post my own. They have been so great I feel a lot better and healthier and the funny thing is when I wrap it makes me want to be healthier. I am not a water drinker and this has helped me become better at it. I reached diamond today and I'm sure none of you know what that means... It means I've reached a big level in the skinny wraps business I'm doing. It feels so great to reach a goal I never thought I would. I have helped so many people and made a little mulah while doing it. It has been a lot of work that has come very easy at the same time. I'm not here to sell you on the wraps I just need to write it all out so that I can go to sleep becau...


I took this survey in 2008 and it made me think of how my life has changed and the things I know now that I didn't know then. Have you ever made out on your bed? No I sure hope so, I am married with kids ya know. Do you think the last person you kissed is nice? Yes the nicest guy i have ever met!  I could say the same thing, Yes the nicest guy I have ever met! Do you know anyone who has messed up your life? Yup Yes, but it only makes me stronger. Do you have a best friend? Yes Mike, Spencer, Kristen, Amy, Emilee and the list goes on! This question is funny to me because it has recently been proven wrong. Also I would have to add Peyton I spend my day playing and smiling with her. Where was your default taken? In Amy's house about 4 or 5 years ago  In my parents back yard. Who was the last person on your bed besides yourself? My mom i think Peyton and Houston What side of a heart do you draw first? The Rig...

Our kids

I said "my kids" the other day and I couldn't help but laugh I've never said that before, same with when I say children. Did I ever think I'd be a mom of 2? Not a chance. I wouldn't change my life for anything. I am truly blessed! Husband of my dreams and two adorable children and lets not forget Kilo :) Peyton Tajma Hall I took a few days last week and decided it was time, no more diapers for little miss Peyton. It was a rough few days staying home and constantly watching her every move. I did the naked method for the first couple days and then she got her big girl panties and she was so excited! We went to Ikea and lunch with friend and were gone for 3 or 4 hours. I knew she had to go because she kept telling me in Ikea, but wouldn't go on the toilet. When we got home I was busy with Houston and I looked down and she is holding her little bowl of pee and saying Skittles, Skittles, Skittles. I knew she was waiting just go on her potty, but she went...

Houston Michael Hall

H.M.H. August 3rd 2012 The night before the hospital called to get my insurance information. I thought we'd be going in around noon since we had a few people infront of us, but when they called that night they informed me that I was now first in line! 6:15 the phone rang and they asked us me to eat a light breakfast and to be at the hospital by 7:30am. We got up gathered our things and stopped at Gandies on the way to the hospital.  We arrived got checked in and then came the IV I asked them to put it in my left hand because I'm right handed it made everything much easier to do.  It hurt and did stop hurting once she got it in and kept hurting until that night. Stupid IV. Then it was time to start the Pit! My doctor was in SLC at a C-section and told them to start me on a low dose because they normally start you a little higher. There Mike and I saw watching the Olympics and I was having contractions every 4 to 5 min apart. When I arrived I was dilated to a 4 and about 5...

18 and 19 Months

18 Months, NURSERY! I got a new calling (2nd Counselor in the Primary) the same day Peyton was officially in nursery. I guest that means no Sunday School and Relief Society for me :( I am really excited to be in Primary again with all of the kids and to hear their funny comments. Oh how I missed those comments! Peyton goes to nursery great! They say when ever someone opens the door she says Ma Ma Ma Ma for a little, but then goes right back to playing. She had her 18 month appointment a few days ago. She weighs 22.4 lbs and is 32 inches tall! Down 2 lbs from her 13 month. He didn't think they entered that in right, but they might have. She is super active and is always running around. The doctor showed me her chart and she is still OFF of it. I had to laugh she has been this way since birth. He asked me how many words does she know? I sat there for a second trying to come up with a number. He said like 10? At least 20? I was like oh yes she knows over 100. He...

37, 38 Weeks

37 Weeks I'm up another 3 pounds in 1 week... Still haven't hit the big 200 though! I am still the same not effaced and nearly a 1. I have had some painful contractions the last few days, but only a couple. My ribs are so bruised he just loves to kicked them. It hurts so bad, Peyton was the same way. I'd really like him to drop, but there is no sign of that happening soon. Keep walking is what my doctor said, but even that hurts to do. 38.3 Weeks Yes people only 4 days till I get induced! I went to the doctor today and I expected to still not be effaced and only a 1. I am at a 3+ I thought he said 3.5, but Mike said he said +. And he also said the baby is dropped and effaced. I wish I would have asked him the percent, but I was distracted about being dilated! Also I'm up another 2 pounds :) I also forgot to ask him to strip me, we started talking about the hospital and when I'd go in and things like that I forgot a lot of things. My mom and I went shopping f...

34, 35, 36 Weeks

34 Weeks Love my wonderful back... NOT, it hurts and aches all the time. the heat is going to kill me if allergies don't. I will never be this pregnant again over the summer! The heat is killing me, I have to shower at least two times a day to cool down. I drink water I feel like non stop and i'm still swelling... OH and weddings.  I have been pregnant for SO many weddings. I am kind of done with that. I went to a dress fitting yesterday for my bridesmaids dress remember the one where the girl made me feel amazing. Well  they wanted me to try it on. 4 to 9 month jump in the belly is a big jump. It was really quite embarrassing. I am excited to go back a week after Houston comes because I won't be HUGE. Still blubbery and chunky, but not like I am now :) 35 Weeks I went to Doctor C today, nothing exciting yet. We did confirm Friday the 3rd though. I will know a lot more at my next apt they are now weekly and are going to be not so fun if you know what I mean... I did...

30, 31, 32 and 33 Weeks

30 Weeks It's JUNE people! Which means only 2 months months to go. I really want this summer to be long and slow, but at the same time I want it to be August now! My goal of staying under 200 lbs is still looking pretty good. Although Carvers custard in AF might say other wise ;) My cravings are still sweets especially Ice Cream! A few days ago I had some acid reflux starting so I got back on the water train and it has gone away.  I've been going to the Splash Pad and it seems everyone is preggo so I don't feel so bad sporting the swimsuit. Peyton has been in this new little habit of dumping out things which I hate! Bending over has now become a joke. She also loves sitting on my lap when I'm sitting down and I've been trying to tell her there is a baby in my belly, but I don't think she gets it.  Houston is now 3 lbs today and a pretty good kicker. I just hope he doesn't go up in my ribs like Pey did oh that was so painful.  I've been trying...

Mothers Day and Memorial Day

Mothers Day Saturday we went and got my favorite breakfast Kneaders French Toast! Somehow I manage to weasel my presents out of Mike early and I did it again! One of my bffs got married a few days before Mothers Day. She wanted us all in pearls for her wedding. I didn't have any and figured I'd borrow my moms because she is a pearl queen. I spaced picking these up and realized I didn't have pearls the night before the wedding. I told Mike I have to wake up an hour early to go get them in PG. He poked his head around the corner and looked at me and said "NIKKI ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I thought he was mad, so I explained that he could stay and sleep and i'd pick him up on my way back. I thought he was upset about my forgetfulness which was weird because Mike never gets mad at me so I was worried. After a few huffs and puffs he says do you want one of your Mothers Day presents early? I just start laughing and said "you didn't!?" We both had a good ...

I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!

The last few weeks have been pretty wonderful. I can feel my self maturing is that weird?  Maybe not maturing, but changing. I feel like this happened when Peyton was born too. I can feel my testimony growing. I know it is constantly growing, but sometimes I can really feel it. Sharolee and I went to Womens conference at BYU. We heard some amazing speakers and I'm really glad I took notes. I'm not going to share all of it with you, but here are a two classes. You can see how different the range of education is. What a fun day to spend with my SIL and to learn more about Family, The Gosple, Relationships and Love. * One class we went to was about healthy eating and eating a home more. It is very import for the family to eat dinner together. Not only will it save you month, it's heathier, but when you kids are older they are less likely to get into trouble and confide in you more. *Another class was about trust and relationships. He talked about Johari's Wi...

26, 27 and 28 Weeks

26 Weeks Here we are again, four weeks have gone by. I am in an amazing mood today and so I figured I'd better blog about it! I was felling pretty bad about the 16lbs I put on in just one month and have been trying to cut back on my carb intake. I swear all of the yummy foods are carbs. I've never really cared about what I eat and have no idea how many calories is a lot and stuff like that, but I did look up to see what are bad carbs. I also have been drinking more water to help with the retaining of it. Kind of ironic don't you think.  Anyway back to my story of today. I have been asked to be a bridesmaid in Matt and Seantay's wedding on Aug. 16th. Yes that is one week from my due date. Today I went and got fitted for my dress. I was dreading this because no 6 almost 7 month prego wants to go be measured unless your crazy. I got there and the dress is perfect it hides my bump really well and is gorgeous. The girl that measured me kept saying how tiny I am that most w...