The Jokes on YOU!

Mike and I have been planning this day for months, well more me than him. I knew I wanted both families to be surprised. Mike and I decided to wait till we could tell everyone the gender to be the day we announced as well. I made a Facebook group for a "surprise" birthday lunch for Mike and invited our families to TGI Fridays in Sandy. I had to pick a place that was only in Sandy and near the South Town. Not to mention it is where we first met. I let them all think he knew nothing about it and of course he was scheming right along side me. I made Peyton a Big Sister shirt to pass the time this week. We waited for our families to arrive at the restaurant and when they were all there we walked in and Mike acted surprised. He then said "We actually have a surprise of our own" and told everyone to "read Peyton's shirt." It was amazing everyone was surprised! Mike then proceeded to tell them "Oh and by the way after lunch we are going ove...