
Showing posts from February 17, 2011


The end of January birthdays! Mike is showing P his birthday cake and candles. :) Mike bought another toy to add to his electronic collection. We love it, its the KINECT! If you don't have one, get one! Here is a slide of my fam playing the dance central. Obviously this is before P was born. Our annual UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER PARTY! Mike won the Ugliest Sweater . It was donated from my mothers closet. Hopefully you understand that I was trying to be a snow globe lol. Phil and Whit won the song game and you can see the pic of her sitting on his lap. Some hospital photos I found that I haven't put up.


Buongiorno! Mike here. Things have been a bit crazy and relaxed around our house for the past month. It all started back on January 20th when my employer decided to lay me off with the rest of Marketing and Sales. I have no clue how they expect to be successful without anyone selling or marketing the business but thats not my problem any more. I think everything happens for a reasons and feel that something better is on the horizon. Being without a job and health insurance scares my pantaloons off, so I dived into updating my portfolio and starting the interview process. With lots of help from different business contacts and friends I had 12 interviews in the first couple weeks. Nothing seemed to be a perfect fit and no offers. So for the last few weeks when I haven't been working on side jobs I have been able to hang out with my beautiful wife and daughter! Its been wonderful. We've been living off savings which has been tough but I'm glad that it happened. Really I'...