
Showing posts from December 3, 2009


WARNING!  Nikki's opinion not Mike's So pretty much all of you are not going to like it  and it might actually offed you and i'm sorry, but its how I feel!  My first thought after watching was that I am sorry for the Ute fans that treated your family this way. I am a Utah Fan and I personally apologize for there actions. Then I watched this a second time... Max Hall you are representing my churches school! Max Hall you have no right! You're suppose to represent a school that is all about forgiveness and good sportsmanship! "THEY DIDN'T DESERVE IT" ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS WOW I HOPE YOUR CHURCH MEETINGS THE NEXT DAY ARE ON HUMILITY, GRATITUDE AND FORGIVENESS! DO YOU REALIZE YOU JUST TOLD OUR CHURCH'S PROPHET THAT HE HAS NO CLASS! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? We both played as hard as we could. Max this was the worst game of the season for you! How many completions did you have? Our freshman out played you! Its a good thing for your ...