26, 27 and 28 Weeks

26 Weeks
Here we are again, four weeks have gone by. I am in an amazing mood today and so I figured I'd better blog about it! I was felling pretty bad about the 16lbs I put on in just one month and have been trying to cut back on my carb intake. I swear all of the yummy foods are carbs. I've never really cared about what I eat and have no idea how many calories is a lot and stuff like that, but I did look up to see what are bad carbs. I also have been drinking more water to help with the retaining of it. Kind of ironic don't you think.  Anyway back to my story of today. I have been asked to be a bridesmaid in Matt and Seantay's wedding on Aug. 16th. Yes that is one week from my due date. Today I went and got fitted for my dress. I was dreading this because no 6 almost 7 month prego wants to go be measured unless your crazy. I got there and the dress is perfect it hides my bump really well and is gorgeous. The girl that measured me kept saying how tiny I am that most women they recommend bumping up a couple sizes as they grow. She kept me the same because I had some room in the size I tried on and said that they might even have to take it in since I'll be having the baby. Wow do I feel great. Sure the scale says different about it all but the inches don't!

27 Weeks
Okay today I feel really nauseous. I think I just need to vomit and I will feel better, but I'm not going to force it. I also have the WORST allergies ever. I feel like every year I forget how bad they really are then one morning I wake up and bam, runny nose, man voice, sore throat, head ache and not stop sneezing.  I am so glad I can take drugs while prego even if they only help a little. 
Lets not forget about the butt pain. He has started to push on my nerve which causes alot of siatic pain. Ouch :( I am so glad I have my blog and I can read back I had this same pain with Pey at 28 weeks

28 Weeks
I am happy to say there are some great differences with Peyton than with Houston. Here is the same quiz I filled out with Pey.

Fat: I am showing a lot faster which makes me feel fat, but I am in great shape this time around which makes me happy.

Sleep: I sleep amazing other than the four trips to the bathroom a night. I think my body is preparing me to wake with a new born again. I know working out is the big contributor to the energy I have durring the day and how great I sleep at night.

Kicking and Punching: He does kick quite a bit, but it isn't painful like it was with Pey. He does have a good one every now and then that catches me off guard.
Emotions: I don't have as much patience with Peyton as I usually do, but other than that I think I'm at a pretty even keel. Mike might say different :)

The Groans: Ah yes lets not forget how the air gets forced out when I bend over ha ha ha

Butt Pains: Yes defiantly have those they started last week, but the stretching has helped so much! Stupid sciatic nerve.

Hating: I don't really have food aversions. I still don't love some meats, but I eat them. Nothing too intense though. Every now and then something will taste funny and I can't eat it because it's off. Mike just thinks I'm silly when that happens. 

Acid Reflux: Oh thank heavens I don't have acid reflux. I know I will have to pound the tums once I get big, but for now there is no sign of it and for that I am grateful!

Stretch Marks: Oh those lovely things. I haven't noticed any new ones this pregnancy. So far...

Belly Button: Still an innie, but defiantly stretched out. I really do need to take a bare belly picture with in the next three months.

28. 5 Weeks
3rd Trimester is here! 7 months along and 80 days to go!
I went to the doctor today. I just have to say I really love him as my doctor he is the bomb diggity! I am in a good mood probably because I didn't gain 16+ lbs this month :) Nope just 3 wahoo. I think I have the water retention under control now. I really don't like water and all of this drinking it is awful, but if its need I guess i'll do it. Okay back to the doctor. I had my nasty glucose test today. I was worried about the finger prick because with Pey I swear she hit the bone. Today it was easy peasy! I told my doctor I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding on the 16th of Aug and asked him how early I can get induced. He said "Well you're due the 10th and so the 3rd would be the earliest." I said awesome I'll take it! I guess that means we have an official date set for this little guy to make his appearance! As long as everything goes according to plan. The heart rate is good he was moving a ton today at the visit. I also had a contraction while getting my belly measured. I only feel a few here and there. They aren't painful at all just kind of weird. Doctor C is the one who pointed it out. 
So far I'm just one hot girl! I am anxiously waiting for the pools to open up. August feel so far away when I think about the heat and how much bigger i'm going to get and how much more of this heat I can stand. It really is just right around the corner though. 


Esplins said…
You look awesome! Who cares what the scale says :) That's exciting about being a bridesmaid. I wanna see the dress! And if you need a sitter for Pey and little Houston while you're bridesmaid-ing it, let me know!

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