Mothers Day and Memorial Day

Mothers Day Saturday we went and got my favorite breakfast Kneaders French Toast! Somehow I manage to weasel my presents out of Mike early and I did it again! One of my bffs got married a few days before Mothers Day. She wanted us all in pearls for her wedding. I didn't have any and figured I'd borrow my moms because she is a pearl queen. I spaced picking these up and realized I didn't have pearls the night before the wedding. I told Mike I have to wake up an hour early to go get them in PG. He poked his head around the corner and looked at me and said "NIKKI ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I thought he was mad, so I explained that he could stay and sleep and i'd pick him up on my way back. I thought he was upset about my forgetfulness which was weird because Mike never gets mad at me so I was worried. After a few huffs and puffs he says do you want one of your Mothers Day presents early? I just start laughing and said "you didn't!?" We both had a good ...