26, 27 and 28 Weeks

26 Weeks Here we are again, four weeks have gone by. I am in an amazing mood today and so I figured I'd better blog about it! I was felling pretty bad about the 16lbs I put on in just one month and have been trying to cut back on my carb intake. I swear all of the yummy foods are carbs. I've never really cared about what I eat and have no idea how many calories is a lot and stuff like that, but I did look up to see what are bad carbs. I also have been drinking more water to help with the retaining of it. Kind of ironic don't you think. Anyway back to my story of today. I have been asked to be a bridesmaid in Matt and Seantay's wedding on Aug. 16th. Yes that is one week from my due date. Today I went and got fitted for my dress. I was dreading this because no 6 almost 7 month prego wants to go be measured unless your crazy. I got there and the dress is perfect it hides my bump really well and is gorgeous. The girl that measured me kept saying how tiny I am that most w...