Is there a prescription for that?

Soooooo Today I went to the Doctor ALL BY MY SELF! You want to know how long it has been since I have done that? 4 YEARS! I have this phobia of hospital and blood and needles and well everything that has to do with that! Why? I'll tell you why! July 24, 2006 Today I had an allergy test. I've been sick for quite some time now. This is what my Dr. said to do. I got there at 9:00 and didn't leave till 10:30 an hour and a half alone. I'm pretty proud of my self, it wasn't easy. The nurse sat me down and asked me a bazillion questions. EX. Is it worse at night or when you wake up. Have you noticed any allergies. What foods don't you like. All sorts of random things. Then she got out the needles....................................................................................... I then started to well be a BIG BABY! I then explained that I'm not going to watch and if she could keep talking to me that tends to help. She then asked why and what wa...