Houston Michael Hall

H.M.H. August 3rd 2012 The night before the hospital called to get my insurance information. I thought we'd be going in around noon since we had a few people infront of us, but when they called that night they informed me that I was now first in line! 6:15 the phone rang and they asked us me to eat a light breakfast and to be at the hospital by 7:30am. We got up gathered our things and stopped at Gandies on the way to the hospital. We arrived got checked in and then came the IV I asked them to put it in my left hand because I'm right handed it made everything much easier to do. It hurt and did stop hurting once she got it in and kept hurting until that night. Stupid IV. Then it was time to start the Pit! My doctor was in SLC at a C-section and told them to start me on a low dose because they normally start you a little higher. There Mike and I saw watching the Olympics and I was having contractions every 4 to 5 min apart. When I arrived I was dilated to a 4 and about 5...