Labor Day Weekend!!!

Thursday • UNIVERSITY OF UTAH VS UTAH STATE I wonder who won? Ha Ha Ha Go U of U we rock! Friday • The start of filming the short SMOOTHIES! It was a lot of fun and very excited to see Phil’s screen play being acted out! I even got be in a few shots I thought I was just going to be continuity. Payden, Chris and I went to Taco Amigo to see Emilie, Sarah, Megan and fiance. Then to Gandis to shoot the restaurant scenes! And to eat a burning bridge mmmm so good! Saturday • More filming with fun adventures! Mike and Phil filmed from 9-6 it was a long day for P and I we were just sitting around so we decided to have a friend date. We first took P’s jeep apart and the doors and the top are off the attempt to take the windshield off was a bust… We went and got another couch for our house and then went and good food. While hitting on some ladies for P. Picked up the Blink 182 tickets! Picked up food for everyone at Costa Vida and Thai drift for...