PAYDEN IS HOME AND BY HOME I MEAN TO STAY FOR A LONG LONG TIME! For the past 5 years Payden has not been one busy man. • BOOTCAMP • MISSION • CALIFORNIA • IRAQ He has come home for short periods of time a week here or there. Payden has been serving our country and serving God! The Hall family is so proud of you Payden! Payden left on his mission just a few weeks after I met Mike, so for two years I got to learn all about Mike's best friend. I was nervous when he got home this past November knowing that I was going to marry Mike, but if Payden didn’t like me then that was going to be a problem. He came over and hugged me to death.:)The next few weeks I spent a lot of time getting to know him. I even went dress shopping with him, because I knew he wouldn’t be here for the wedding. We had a lot of fun, and that’s my story of Payden who I have been calling P for the last year because I am going to name my little girl something similar to Payden. Payden got home on Wednesday ...