The Ultrasound!

I've been debating whether or not to post this because it was such a special moment for me. I figured that I would because I know a lot of you want to see it! I use to not be a crier.... Till I got pregnant. I cried through the whole appointment! Thank you everyone for coming that was able to! About 1:00 in the water works turn on for me. He is measuring the head and it hit me I have a special person in my body that Mike and I have made! At 2:00 you can see the arm then the spine. He you can see her facing down. At 3:00 you can see her hear flickering! At 3:45 he shows you her 4 heart ventricsles. At 4:00 he shows you there is a black spot in her stomach and he says that means the she is swolling and that food is making it to her stomach. 0:04 sec- Mike said “He’s, It’s trying to teach you patience” It took a few mins to see because her bum was up by my belly button. 0:49 sec- Lynne, Emilee, Juli and Suzanne all sa...