5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?

1. Mike!
I will post about what he gave me for my birthday when I have a few minutes. Everyday I think how did I get so lucky? I am so blessed he is all mine. He works hard to provide for our family and he is good a what he does. He has his quirks and that makes me love him even more.

2. Peyton
We were gone for only a couple days and I missed that little punk more than I thought. She is such a handfull, always moving never stopping. She brings so much joy and laughter into our home.

3. Houston
Ah my little man, I just can't get enough of him. His smiles and giggles make it all worth it. He is such a happy and good baby. He slept from 12:00 to 7:30 so he is on my good list today :)

4. Family
I know I just mentioned my cute family, but my family. My brothers and sisters on both sides. I was telling my mom how lucky we are to all be so very close. There are lots of families who don't get along and I love hanging out with every single person in my family!!

5. Church
My calling defiantly stretches me a lot. It is constantly making me grow and learn. I am out of my comfort zone a lot which I guess is a good thing right. 


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