July 4th and 5th!!!

Check out the festive cake my mom made! Sorry the pics a little blurry, but in person it was awesome! And it tasted great too! The Parry family decided to go to the Provo Parade which is always good and hot! Then we went fishing in Heber! Everyone caught a fish! It was a ton of fun!! Even though today I am one burnt girl it was worth it! Lynne with the first catch of the day! Lynne with her prize! Thersea waiting for a fish. Reeling one in! Ta Da!!! I've totally got one! Um does this count? Dane reeling it in! Still reeling it in! Colton Eating his dill spits! Lynne's Father getting the hook out of his fishy! Right after this he pulled the guts out lol don't worry we ate him later! Mike setting up his pole so he can cast. Mike dropped this fish like 4 times before we were able to take this picture. Thats why he is squeezing to death. :) Frank just happy as can be. Juli and her fish! I got one! He was a ...