The Dinner! Still waiting on rest of the pics from Payden
So this post might be kind of bratty.... I am going to brag because I the the most amazing Husband, Family and Friends! I want to look back and remember this birthday forever! Mike woke me up at 8:00 and was singing Happy Birthday and brought me this. I had one bite of Trix which is weird because its my favorite, but I was too excited! Yes I am a closet nerd! He always told me I could never own this game because I would get addicted and he would never see me. SURPRISE!!!! 1. The contact case. He said" because you will need to see well". 2. The Green Sharpe! He said" so you can take notes in your favorite color." 3. The Bird Feeder Kit. He said" So you don't forget about the world" 4. The Mouse its made for gaming! He said" I will need it for the next present so I can be the best." 5. WOW (World Of War Craft) He said" Because I love you. I had to work from 1-5 so we had an early lunch at Tucanos!...