
A few months ago when I was prego, my friend posted a picture on facebook. I immediately knew I wanted to try it because I was a bridesmaid in a wedding 2 weeks after I was due. I wanted to fit in to my dress as fast as I can. I have done 3 wraps now and I will email you my pictures if you want to see, but I'm not one to post my own. They have been so great I feel a lot better and healthier and the funny thing is when I wrap it makes me want to be healthier. I am not a water drinker and this has helped me become better at it. I reached diamond today and I'm sure none of you know what that means... It means I've reached a big level in the skinny wraps business I'm doing. It feels so great to reach a goal I never thought I would. I have helped so many people and made a little mulah while doing it. It has been a lot of work that has come very easy at the same time. I'm not here to sell you on the wraps I just need to write it all out so that I can go to sleep becau...