4th of July 2011

I have lost my camera, so I had to improvise with what other people have taken. Friday Heathers Birthday Party up in Midway. It was so fun and way beautiful. We played volleyball and ate some delicious food! Pey hung out and jumped on the tramp with uncle Colby. Saturday Went to Transformers with Colby, Phil and Mike. Payden was on a fire just in case you were wondering. Later that night we went to Dinner at Terra Mia with The Halls. Then to Stadium of Fire!!! We took Pey, maybe I'm a bad mom. She liked the fireworks though. We were nervous about her little ears. I got out the shooting muffs and when she had those on all she could do is stare at the fireworks. No smile and no tears just pure fascination! David Archuletta and Brad Paisley preformed! squish face! Monday We all woke up around 5:30 and headed to Provo for my Freedom Fest 5k . It was amazing and so fun. I will do it every year as long as I am not with child. I wa...