Breath Taking!

I am 8 weeks and 1 day today! My Mom, Micheal and I went to the doctors and he did an ultrasound and let us hear the heart beat! It was breath taking! It was such an amazing experience we all teared up even my hubby! If the throwing up didn't make it real. This certainly did!!!! NAMES??????? What do you guys think? For a boy: Houston Michael Hall or Wyatt Micheal Hall For a girl: Peyton Tajma Hall or Sawyer Tajma Hall Sorry I lost a bet once with the middle name being Tajma so I can't change that for the girl :( I wanna hear your opinions! Other top names: Girl: Presley, Paislea, Lilly Boy: Wyatt, Jaxon I guess that's it for now. You could say i'm a country girl by the name I choose :) 2009 Most Popular Names Girls' Names Boys' Names 1 Isabella Aiden 2 Sophia Ethan 3 Emma Jackson 4 Olivia Jayden 5 Ava Jacob ...