39 Weeks

Monday was my first day not working in a very long time. The last few days have been hard because I’m just playing the waiting game. I cleaned our WHOLE house on Monday. Nesting? I think so! I couldn’t sleep all night. Mike and I went to the Dr. Tuesday morning. He said he would induce me if I was a 10 on the Bishops Score, last week I was a 9. He checked me and we calculated it and he said I was around an 8. He said really if you’re not a 10 then there is a high risk of Cesarean. So of course we will wait, I'm not against C-Sections since I was told once that I might have one, but I'm not going to take any risks. I have another Dr. appointment on Friday for another check up. I am now 192lbs no thanks to egg nog…. I bought some yesterday around noon and as of right now it’s gone. It was only half a gallon, but still! I guess that means I’m off to the gym. I have A LOT of Braxton Hicks through out the day, but I finally have had a few real contractions! OUCH!...