Labor Day Weekend! 2010

Saturday: Mike and I woke up around 9:00 and went yard sale-ing! I really wanted to find a cute little chair and mirror for Peyton's room. I did find a few things, but not exactly what I was looking for. We got a clay pigeon thrower for $5 bucks thats worth a lot more than that!! I got a few Halloween and 4th of July decorations. Mike got a sushi kit that was brand new never used! He got a few more vinyl records for his collection and last but not least we got bar stools! We have a bar, but nothing to sit on.... Pictures of those to come on another day with all of the house photos ( I forgot I haven't posted images of our home) Last, but NOT least! Mike has been bugging me to buy a grill. If you know Mike then you know he wants the best which means $$$ and I am not interested in spending $400.00 on anyone except Peyton :) Lo and behold we were at our last stop of the day and they were selling a new WEBER for only $100.00 and this is about the time he got his puppy dog ...