Halloween 2011

A few weeks ago after the Saturday football games we went up to Midway to Colby and Heather's house. Heather made some delicious fajitas. If you are ever up in Midway and love hot chocolate go to Filler Up it's my favorite, it's dark chocolate and Girahdelli. Annette hates it, but I love it. She got a Egg Nog shake at Grannies in Heber which is also yummy! Then we went to Walmart to pick up the supplies. Mike and I usually have a game plan, but this year he didn't even come to the store with me. I'm blaming it all on that ha ha ha. Colby and Heather made the scariest church. The detail was AMAZING! and lets not forget Heathers pumpking with a witch hat ;) We decided on a castle, Mike really wanted to do zombie gummy bears. They were really cool, but clashed with my Disney castle idea. As you can see... And for the winners Payden and Annette. I'm not sure what it is, but it is cool!! My favorite is the roof and the stone on the bottom. Awe te...