Mothers Day and Memorial Day

Mothers Day
Saturday we went and got my favorite breakfast Kneaders French Toast!

Somehow I manage to weasel my presents out of Mike early and I did it again! One of my bffs got married a few days before Mothers Day. She wanted us all in pearls for her wedding. I didn't have any and figured I'd borrow my moms because she is a pearl queen. I spaced picking these up and realized I didn't have pearls the night before the wedding. I told Mike I have to wake up an hour early to go get them in PG. He poked his head around the corner and looked at me and said "NIKKI ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I thought he was mad, so I explained that he could stay and sleep and i'd pick him up on my way back. I thought he was upset about my forgetfulness which was weird because Mike never gets mad at me so I was worried. After a few huffs and puffs he says do you want one of your Mothers Day presents early? I just start laughing and said "you didn't!?" We both had a good laugh and he let me open the beautiful pearl bracelet, necklace and earrings.  Every time I wear them I get compliments and it reminds of how luck I am that Mike has such great taste!
That was Mikes present to me and Peyton gave me a present as well :) Another one of my bff Kristen is a dula and a certified masseuse. She specializes in prenatal massages and he gave me a gift card to go get one from her. I'm waiting to use it until my back hurst and I'm farther along, but I will let you know how it goes. I'm so excited, thanks Peyton!

I made my Mom and my MIL edible flower arrangements and gave them Peytons pictures from Easter.
The drive from Lehi to Lindon was a lot on these "babies" as I called them, but I think they liked them and both families ate them for dinner.

OH I can't forget about church. Sacrament was typical, Pey was pretty good she eats her snacks and reads her books. I decided to put her in Nursery because she was 17 months and I heard you can test it out. She LOVED it! She didn't even look back, she saw all of the kids and toys and was instantly excited. Mike and I kept peeking on her through the little window once we relized she was fine and headed to class. It was so nice to be able to listen and keep focused. I think we both on cloud 9. We picked her up at the end of the two hours and the singing lady said she did amazing except when they sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She said she cried really hard durring it, but once they were done she stopped. I couldn't help, but laugh. I sing that to Pey along with a few other songs, but mainly that one before every nap and bed time. So she knows it's time to lay down and go to sleep. I bet she thought they were going to make her sleep and she was sad because she was having so much fun. I told her I'd mix up the songs and sing her twinkle twinkle randomly throughout the day.
She has been in nursery a few times since then and hasn't cried since that little moment.

Memorial Day
I love 3 weekends it is always so great to have that extra day with Mike. We planned a little fishing trip with my family. We woke up early and headed to Payson Lakes. Phil, Payden and Annette joined in on the Parry family day. Mike and I bought an XTerra so that we could take Kilo with us when we go out and because it's safe in the snow and I love lifted trucks. We decided to take him with us. We got there and it said NO DOGS on the lawn and in the water. Which means we'd have to keep them chained up in the woods or on the path. Stupid. Somehow Kilo hit his head on the hitch and cut his ear open... It didn't stop bleeding. Our relaxing day turned into a whole lot of stress for Mike and I. We couldn't get it to stop and there was blood everywhere. We couldn't bring him on the lawn where we were fishing because I didn't want a fine, but eventually after he kept barking and bleeding I decided a fine was worth having a relaxing day. Mike, Payden and Annette left the lake and headed to town for some super glue. After an hour and a half they came back and bandaged him up and glued it closed. Sadly when he would shake it would open the wound and bleed. It did slow it, but didn't completely stop it.

Other than that it really was a great morning. Peyton was so cute with the fish and loved running around. Breakfast in the mountains is always delish. Lots of sunburns to go around.

We then headed to home to shower and get ready for our friend BBQ in Heber at Colby and Heathers new place. The food was so yummy and it is always fun hanging out with Mikes highschool friends. I wish we took a pic.

Mike and I then headed to Eagle Mountain for some smores with my family. I hadn't seen baby Cozy all week and needed my fix. She is so adorable.

By the time we got home we were all exhausted from all the driving and events from the day. Overall it was a very fun day. I can't wait for the next holiday. Strawberry Days!

I can't help but laugh when I look at this picture, If I didn't know better I'd think these two were related.

 Peyton feeling like such a big girl holding the fishing pole with Phil.


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