I bought a Utes sticker and put it on my car today now Luna looks amazing! I bet that's something you didn't know! lmao! Here are some cute pics I love! 1. Song that always makes you sad?: I loved her first; it’s the song I danced with my dad too. I love it! 2. Last thing you bought?: Powerade and Ga3. Last person you argued with?: Not sure maybe Mike, we don’t fight that much just play fight. 4. Do you put Butter before putting the jelly on?: Yes I think 5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid?: I didn’t play with stuffed animals. My cats were Salt and Pepper. 6. Did you ever own at one time a Nysnc Cd?: No just a country girl here! 7. Favorite day of the week?: Saturday 8. Favorite Sundae topping?: Carmel 9. Did you take Piano lessons?: Nope 10. Most frequent song played?: Any Beatles song Mike is obsessed! 11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?: LOST I complain a lot about it, when in fact it’s really good. 12. Would you rather play basketball o...