15, 16 and 17 Months

17 Months 1 more month until nursery! WAHOO! Church is awful, Peyton just wants to play or sleep and she can't do either so she is not a happy camper. A few things to note: When she gets out of the tub she says COLD about 20 times incase I didn't know that's she's cold. When we get into the car she says HOT 20 times incase I don't know it's hot. She also blows as if that will cool down the car :) She tells me play, outside, slide, oatmeal, taco, drink, water. She is putting two and three words together. Understand what those are is the trick. Yesterday Mike, Pey and I were driving and she kept saying. "I know this guy" Mike and I were like WHAT? After a few tries we finally figured out she was saying "I know the sky"so her sentences don't make sense most of the time, but she is just a little jabber jay. 17. 5 Months My little girl is now speaking in sentences. I wish she'd stop growing up. She now says "I want to/a........