Jelly Belly!

I took this picture the day I found out I was pregnant. I was 6 weeks along here. 17 weeks! The other day Mike and I had this conversation: N: Babe if I ask you a question will you promise to answer. M: No you can't have a dog yet. N: Thats not it. Do you think I look fat to people or do you think i'm starting to show? M: I think you look beautiful! N: Ahhhh so i'm a fatty! M: No No, thats not a fair question because what do you want me to say? N: I dunno.. neither! M: Well babe the truth is your starting to show and I think its cute! N: Ah thanks babe. So as long as my hubby thinks i'm beautiful I guess thats all that matters. Not the fact that I can't fit into any of my clothes :) - Mother Goose