28 Weeks! 3rd Trimester! 7 Months!

Farewell 2nd trimester! Good riddance! What does this mean? YES people we are on the home stretch! 3rd and final trimester here we come!!! Today I am 172 lbs. Wow another 6 pounds in 4 weeks.... I must be eating better and indeed I am! I don't think i'm fat, not at all. I do have to say stepping on the scale at the Drs. isn't my favorite part of the day either. Today he said Peytons heart is beating great and sounds very good. He said my belly is measuring right on, he said i'm 28 weeks and 28 inches! I asked him then why do people keep telling my I don't look 7 months. He said because your placenta could be placed different and you carry very well. I think ya'll are just being nice is what I think! He said something about my back too, but I got distracted with the red bottle of blood they brought in. JUST KIDDING it was the sugar stuff I had to drink. I had my glucose test today. It was nasty but I got it down. The worst part was when the lady "poke...