1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
1. I can't eat in the dark, I have to see what I am eating and look at every bite. 2. When I run I have to chew gum or I go CRAZY! 3. I am terrified of praying mantises. 4. I never thought I'd have two kids by 24 let alone ever. 5. I LOVE anything Disney. 6. I'm a sucker for flowers and Mike knows it. 7. I absolutely hate cleaning toilets and vacuuming stairs. (that was my chores as a kid) 8. I deep clean when I'm mad. 9. I over eat when I'm happy, which is a lot :) 10. Jeans a Tee shirt and flip flops are my favorite outfit any day of the week. 11. I can't sleep if the blankets and sheets are tucked in. 12. I've never dieted and never will unless you count carbonation. 13. I have public toilet syndrome 14. I have a potty mouth that i'm working on especially now that Peyton is a parrot. 15. I love Black Jack, double down baby! 16. I am a kid a heart, I never want to truly gr...