My Golden Birthday! 23

Happy Birthday to me!
This year I decided I wanted to keep it simple.
Mike and I both took off work. We slept in for as long as we both could. :) Mike brought me my second present Fire and Ice roses my favorite of course. The first present was gum and jerky and eggnog at midnight :) Then it was off to IHOP for some breakfast with Spencer and Janae. Spencer surprised me with some beautiful pink Gerber daises my other favorite. After breakfast Mike and I went to the hospital to get registered since i've been having contractions we don't want to have to do this later. Then we went shopping, I keep forgetting to buy stuff for me. I think Peyton has all of the clothes she needs.... Then we came home Mike made me take a bath, because he knows how much I love them :) I got a few more presents and we left to go to dinner! Today the 2010 Blizzard hit. We went to Thanksgiving Point my favorite restaurant, i'm so glad its a few blocks away from our house because when we got done and walked out side we both about blew away. I've never seen anything like it... Madness I tell you!  The food was worth it though, always is!
Then our families came over and i'm so glad that everyone has 4wheel drive.
We had some amazing green cake and I got to open presents! My favorite part of the day. I feel like a little kid when I get to open presents.
Mike got me a Chi straightener and an amazing salon blow dryer and they are the best I highly recommend them. Sorry i'm not sure the name of the blow dryer if you want to know just ask.
Okay thats enough about presents I feel I go into any more detail about them I'll be bragging... Thanks everyone for you gifts! :)

 Raspberry lemon-aid and a huge chicken pot pie! LOVE IT!

 I'm not sure what's going on here...
We didn't have candles so we used my favorite things! SPARKLERS!

 Whitney and Ashton made me a delicious green cake!
 The Halls gave me this sweet Jazz jersey. Everyone was laughing because I put it on even over my 9 month big belly :)


Brian and Kayla said…
Happy Birthday! I wish I could have been in UT during your friend shower! I missed it by a day! It looked like you had a blast.

When Utah won I thought of you...I'm glad you posted about it.
paislea said…
i DIDN'T know it was your birthday!!! :(


annnnnddd...your hair looks so long in these pictures. you are just too cute!!

allister bee fashion blog

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