Friend Baby Shower

November 27 2010
My friends: Emily H. Emilee W. Amy N and Kristen T threw my my friend shower!
We decided to have it at our home so that I wouldn't have to haul presents.
We played some fun games both were memory games and if you have ever been pregant you know that your memory is gone... It was still way fun though.
We had lots of yummy cookies and my favorite HOT CHOCOLATE with whip cream!

Thank you everyone who came, all the gifts were wonderful! We are so blessed to have such wonder people in our lives, thank you for all of your support.
We even had a few boys show up :) Spencer and Payden made and appearance for a little bit.

Emily and Amy, sorry guys this pic won't turn...
Emily's baby Elly 5 weeks old and oh so cute!

McKell and Alisha and baby Kaden he's 3 weeks old!


Me and Emily

Nicole and I
A cookie for Peyton
We went to Valley View Elementary and we were reminiscing the pictures they made us take ha ha ha.

The shirt is from Payden and Annette I put it on right there just for them :)
My friends are so weird....   Kristen and Haley kissing my belly.


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