
Showing posts from August, 2010

The Transformation

Paislea my friend from work came over and this girl loves to decorate! She makes all sorts of stuff. I tell her all the time she is exact opposite of me. She is such a girl and so crafty! I have a bedroom set from Jr. high that I've held on to. I bought a black crib last week and have white dressers to match.... Not  We painted them black! They turned out fantastic if I do say so my self! We also painted a few things that were in my room as a baby growing up. :) Paislea starting on the big dresser  I'll take the drawers Could I be their spokes person? HA HA HA Paislea's black foot! The masks didn't work so good.... The shelves from the past. I'm so happy with the way they turned out! The black dresser looks amazing!  Cute little guy! 

23/24 Weeks

We went to the Dr. today for another check up. He wanted to do another ultrasound so we could look at her face, because she wouldn't let us last time.  I really need to scan these pictures in rather than just take a picture of a picture so they are clearer...  She was breach today which means bottom down face up.  He was able to find Peyton's face quickly because of that.  As we were looking at her face you could see her foot bent kicking me in the tummy. It was really quite funny I couldn't stop laughing which made it hard to get the picture for the ultrasound. Then she did the funniest thing!  She put her foot right up by her face!  Then she stuck her foot in her mouth and sucked on it! It was so cute and amazing to see! You could actually see sucking movement from her lips. By this time Mike, Dr. and I were all laughing! The Dr. even said I've never seen that before! It seems like every appointment she does something to surprise him :) S...

Sneak Peek!

Last night we went and picked out the paint! I told the lady were doing a WATERMELON theme. She said where did you come up with that, that is so cute. I said um my head. lol So we rushed home and started taping.  The chair rail (white thing in the middle) is scrap thats why it has excess on it. I just held it up to see what it would look like. Don't worry I'm sure won't won't have to wait long for the finished product!  If you click on the image it will go full screen :) On my  I posted as well and go some really great advice! So for the rest of you that didn't comment here is your chance! Tell me what you would have done different? Tell me what you wish you would have bought or did by that you loved or tell me what you hated that you bought. I wanna know!!!


I have never owned a vehicle long enough to pay off! Till.... TODAY!!! For those of you that don't know who Luna is. She is my car, yes she has a name. I have named all of the vehicles I have ever owned. The HISTORY:  I sold my first truck Clifford aka BIG RED  before I really owned her. You can see by the pics why I didn't keep her long. Then I bought MY BABY ! Yeah I know its not a very original name, but that's exactly what she was to me. You all know the story about her and if you don't look at the pic below...  She was the one I rolled 4 years ago.  Then I bought my Honda Civic, The Silver Bullet !  I had her about a year and a half and I got hit by a garbage truck...  Now I have LUNA ! My Mazda 3! I love the red lights! She is officially mine! Well she has been mine for the last 2 years, but as of today she is bought and paid for! No more loan and no more payment due every 4th of the month!  I have an asset! I have so...

Wedding Traditions: A year in the making!

There are a few wedding traditions we failed to do, but I am happy to say we completed one! One tradition says the way you feed the cake represents a  symbol of the bride and groom's willingness to share a household.  Another says  the cutting of the cake together will insure fertility . - Glad we did that! ;) Before we cut the cake at our reception I told Mike "if you get cake on my dress or mess up my make up I will kill you and you will not be going to Cancun with me on our honeymoon." A little harsh? Yes I know, it worked though! He was a gentleman! I wasn't worried about the myths I was just concerned about my dress :)  Our beautiful cake! Cutting it together!  1 Year Traditions From this link we actually completed most on the list! GO US! We were on our second honeymoon in NYC which means we weren't able to eat the top tier of our cake. Plus it was in my parents freezer. We got it when we got back and it has been in our fridge ...

472 Days LATER....

ITS OFFICIAL! I am NO longer Nikki Kay Parry I am now! Nikki Kay Hall 


July 3rd-  Nikki felt you move for the first time! It was a feeling that i'd never felt before and  I knew it was different. You were bubbly! I couldn't feel you on the out side of my tummy with just my hand until Aug 2nd. August 11th- Mike felt you move for the first time! Every night Mike reads me Harry Potter, but last night was different! P was moving like crazy! So I grabbed his hand and put it on my belly (like I had so many times before). He was like is that her rolling around in there? Ha Ha Ha Yes, babe that is her! Then she started to kick his hand I've never felt her move that hard before! He defiantly felt those. What a tender moment for us! FACTS BELOW! Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a...

Great Dane

I found these pics on my camera and of course I had to share!  Mike said it was the funniest thing to see Cali in his place.  She was such a good dog! I cannot wait to have my own!  That's one big paw!