The Transformation

Paislea my friend from work came over and this girl loves to decorate! She makes all sorts of stuff. I tell her all the time she is exact opposite of me. She is such a girl and so crafty! I have a bedroom set from Jr. high that I've held on to. I bought a black crib last week and have white dressers to match.... Not 
We painted them black! They turned out fantastic if I do say so my self! We also painted a few things that were in my room as a baby growing up. :)

Paislea starting on the big dresser 

I'll take the drawers

Could I be their spokes person? HA HA HA

Paislea's black foot!

The masks didn't work so good....

The shelves from the past. I'm so happy with the way they turned out!

The black dresser looks amazing! 
Cute little guy! 


paislea said…
these look so cute nikki! i'm glad that you love them!! i had so much fun painting with you! and don't hesitate to ask me whenever you want some assistance with decorating! i love it, as you know...
lynniethepooh said…
They look so awesome! I can't wait to see the room all done up!!
Sarah said…
It looks awesome! I am excited to see everything when it's finished! Love it!
Whitney Parry said…
It really does look amazing! You are amazing! Love the black!
A----J----A said…
How exciting! I'm starting on my daughters room this weekend i might just do some spray painting too....wait, she needs furniture first....So I'll do some shopping instead!
Michael said…
You guys are wackadoos. But they all turned out great! I'm glad you wore the masks I got you. Those fumes were still strong when I got home!

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