Houston is ONE!

At Houston's one year check up he was in the 100th percentile for height and 50th for weight which is almost exactly like Peyton  It is fun to compare these two and see how different they are.

* He says Hi to everyone whether they notice it or not. Every morning when I go to get him out of his crib. I open the door and he is standing there and says "HI". He also says Thank You, Mama, Dada, Uh Oh, No, Ball, Balloon. We are working on Kilo, it sounds like KKKKK. I'm trying to teach him Peyton, but he just laughs every time I point to her and say her name. He mimics a lot of her sounds. If Peyton screams Houston screams. If Peyton sings Houston attempts. If Peyton growls Houston growls.

* He is walking all over the place! He actually started walking a few weeks before his birthday. I was hoping he would be a late walker, I guess if you compare him to Peyton he was ;)

* He has 8 teeth, four on the top and four on the bottom. I really don't like teething.

* H has to be held all the time. He is such a mommies boy, which is something I wanted because Peyton is so independent. I do wish I had my space sometimes.

* Houston loves being outside he gets mad when we come inside. He is all BOY. Houston loves playing in the dirt and using dads tools.

It is crazy to me how different he is from his sister. Then at the same time how much alike they are. He is somewhat calmer, but as he gets older I think we are getting out of that stage.

Peyton and Houston are already playing so well together. I am actually writing this while they are playing in the toy room, it's quite comical. I'll have to get a video of it. They both don't like sharing and they both want the toy each other has at times which can create a fight.
At my parents there is a brown blanket that they wrestle over. Houston is usually just tormenting Peyton. He can hold his own most of the time. He is a thick solid boy, he is very tough which I give credit to Peyton because she gets really rough with him.

Excuse the mess they like to take EVERYTHING out of the toy box. Yes they stripped of their PJs down to their skivvies.
 Peyton reading to Houston while I blog.

Houston's First Birthday was on a Saturday, that day we cleaned up the yard and hung out just us four. We went to our ward BBQ and Swim. It was a perfect day with our little family.

The next day we had The Halls and The Parry's over for a BBQ in our new home. 
It was a success Mike cooked some amazing Ribs and Chicken. 

Houston loved our Traditional Cake Smash! 

Thanks to http://www.everylittlemomentphotography.com/ for these amazing pictures.


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