M,N,P,H and K

Time sure is just flying right by I wish Pey would get just a little bit older and I wish Houston would stay a baby for ever. I can't believe he's 8 mo old!

I have the perfect baby. It's true, I love him so very much. He just cuddles me all day long. I want to hold him for ever!
He is quite the tank, he absolutely loves food. If I make him a bottle and I am eating regular food he won't take his bottle. I have to feed him then eat if its something he can't have yet. He loves crackers especially Chicken in a biscuit  He also loves bannans... I despise this food, but because I love that little guy I buy fresh bannas and pure them for him. He goes crazy for this. He grunts and snorts when he eats them because he loves them so much. He is super lazy, he doesn't like holding his bottle. I have to tease him for a second to get him to hold it. If not I end up holding it. He does a army worm crawl thing everywhere though. I guess lazy isn't the right word because he is active. Chill is a better word, he's so content all the time as long as he's fed. Hou laughs and giggles and babbles at his sister all day long. He think she is the funniest thing ever. They are already best buds. Houstons first word was Da Da or Ba Ba. He hasn't said Ma Ma yet the little turkey. Mike and I both agree that for now I am his favorite. He gets excited when I walk in the room and it melts my heart. This is how Peyton is for Mike so it's nice to get it from him :) He had a fever a few days ago and a runny nose. I was thinking he was teethin, I guess we'll see. He has two bottom teeth that he chews on everything with. I've thrown away more toys the last month than I have in the last two years. Anything that is little is gone. Pey doesn't notice so that is good. Houston just tries to eat everything in site so I have to be careful.

Where do I start? She is one tough cookie. She is really putting me threw it, but I love her so much. She's a smarty pants. She knows her letters and the sounds they make. (thanks Ipad app) She is finally leveling off in her height I think. I guess she does wear some 3T so maybe not. She has her own little attitude. She is the queen of the house. She hates it when I buckle her in her car seat. She is always asking me "I don't have to buckle?" she also hates it when we close her door at  night. She says "Don't shut my door" I always make her ask me nicely so its "Don't shut my door, please." Then of course when she falls asleep we go and shut it. She has to sleep with her "pillow and her blankey". Which is a pillow pet and a blanket from when she was a newborn. She also likes to steal her brothers blankets and asks me if she can sleep with his. Their rooms are right next to each other and last week when Hou wasn't feeling good he'd wake up in the middle of the night and Peyton would wake up to Houston so I had two fussy kids I had to deal with at 3am. Good think Mike would take one and I'd take the other. I usually choose Houston because he's lighter. Peytons current favorite color is Pink, but it changes everyday usually its pink though. She loves Tangled still. She really loves coloring and playing outside. Pey loves her Disney though. I asked her where she wanted to eat the other day usually she says Taco Amigo, but every now and then she says Disneyland. :) She loves dance and is in a class, she sings the song more than does the dance for it though. She takes after her daddy on that one. I was a dancer and he was a singer.  She is very polite she always thanks me doing things for her. We went to Chinese last night and as we were walking out to the car she said "Thank you for dinner" about ten times. It was precious  She is quite the little ball of energy that I can't keep up with, but we do love her.

As for me well I'm doing just great. It Works has really taken off!! I am so blessed and so grateful. I love the company and the products and my team. If I'm not skinny wrapping people I'm home or doing mom things. I haven't had time to blog as much as I'd like, but thats a something I'll take to be debt free by the time I'm 30. Yup thats one of my goals. We are actually going to move to something a little more spacious  I'm ready for an office and a guest room and we just don't have those any more. I have a lot of specifications hopefully this summer we can find something to my liking. The good thing is that Mike has a lot of the same ideas as me. I have a good list of things I want in the next house starting with a gas stove and ending with a putting green. ;) I really can't believe its even an option for us to move back to PG or Lindon. I want to go back home. I miss it there. Well enough about moving and house and all of that. I ran my half in Januray in Disneyland thats another post I'll do tomorrow when I have some time. I haven't worked out since no wait once I ran a mile last week and that nearly killed me.... its funny how I trained for 13 then two months later I can barely run 1. Crap. I have a good excuse though I had some MAJOR back issues. Around Valentines my back was giving me heck. I could barely walk one night I just cried on the floor in pain. Luckily we had a muscle relaxer that got me through. I went to a back specialist and he X-rayed me. I knew I had compressed vertebras from my car accident, but he didn't X-Ray my upper back where those are. He did my lower and come to find out I have sculiosis and possibly and herniated or bulging disk. I need and MRI. I just haven't went and got one.... Who has time for that. I really should, especially if I want to get better. Lifting Pey and Hou is really taking a toll on me. I am slouching more and more each day and I hate it, but I really don't want to get a rod. I love sports too much. I'm hoping physical therapy, massage and chiropractic can help.
I can't wait for summer, I am excited for bbqing, moving, traveling, golfing, going to the pool, long boarding, boating and all that fun stuff. I'm ready for it to be here now!!

Mike is still working at SolutionSteam which he loves. I keep trying to convince him to quite and be a stay at home dad. No such luck, YET! He loves design and the people he works with. He also thinks he'd go crazy staying home. I think he's right and I might go crazy too. It would be nice though to have him around. I'm not sure we'd get much done though. Mike is such a good dad, Peyton loves him so much. More than anyone or anything. As soon as that guarage door opens at 5:20ish she jumps up and runs over to him. I went out to get something from the car once  and it was about 5PM she comes running over yelling Dad Dad Dad. She wasn't too happy just to see me. I was like OH so thats what it feels like to be missed by you :) Ah i'm just kidding. She loves me, we we're on a play date with some friends and Peyton told the other little kids that I was her best friend. I teared up it was the CUTEST thing ever, Okay back to Mike. He makes me laugh so much. He keeps telling me we need the newest geek toy on the market. He has been setting up his dream TV situation.... I keep coming home to new gadgets and gizmos a plenty. He loves it though so I love it too I guess. I am now falling asleep and he is out like a light next to me so I should probably hit the hay.

ps. Kilo
He's still here, that is another big reason for a new home. He will be an ouside pup I'm sick of vacuuming and sweeping everyday. I love him, he's such a good dog. I feel so safe when Mike is gone late a movie or something. He is like Pey and full of energy. Camping this year will be interesting.

Sorry it took so long. I'll try to get the Disney posts up tomorrow!


Unknown said…
Love and miss you guys!
jan said…

ارخص شركة شحن عفش

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شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الامارات شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الامارات
افضل شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الرياض افضل شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الرياض
شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الدمام شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الدمام
شركة نقل عفش من المدينة المنورة الى مكة شركة نقل عفش من المدينة المنورة الى مكة

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