Fall and Winter 2012

I have not updated in a really long time and what is going on in our home! Just goes to show you how busy I am with two!

We had a few friends over that night, but I took Peyton around the neighborhood with one of her ward friends Hayden.
She was a pony and the cutest pony i've ever seen. I loved the way her tail moved when she walked. All she wanted was suckers and you bet she sure got them!

25th Birthday
A quarter century wow i'm old! ;) Mike surprised me with a trip to Disneyland and if you know me that is a the best present this girl could ask for! Spoiled.... I know.

We went to Laughlin with Mikes parents to see where Nanny lives! We met up with some cousins and our Aunt and Uncle McMilian. We had a blast! We ventured out to route 66 and they had a lot of CARS souvenirs  It was like cars land, but in real life. There wer're also a ton of burrors that we're just roamin' the streets. Peyton did amazingly well on the car ride. She especially loved riding with Papa and Mimi since they have a TV in their car. (mental note, get one installed)

2nd Birthday
Our little princess is 2! I can't believe it, it shockes me to even say it. She has been obsessed with Monsters Inc. for a little while now and the realsed Monsters in 3D on her birthday. Perfect! We had some family and friends over for a bit then went to her movie she loved it. She didn't keep her glasses on the whole time, but she still like it.

I cannot believe how much fun it was to have Peyton there. It make Christmas so much fun, all she wanted to do was un-wrap presents! She didn't take the time to even look at the gift and just moved on to the next box. :)

New Years
Was awful this has been by far the hardest week of my life. These kids are so very sick and being a mom is really hard with two sick kids. I took them to the doctor on NYE and he said they have bronchitis, something about RSV and how they can't take anything except but a little pain reliever  I was hoping for some antibiotic, but no. They are still sick and I'm about the scream. We bought a diffuser and a humidifier which seem to help them sleep. When they are awake I am constantly suctioning their noses. I attempted to go to the store and nearly left in tears. They we're both coughing and crying it was absolutely the worst day of being a parent. I don't care who argues with me being a mom can be the hardest thing ever sometimes. I am not one to complain, but this is hard. I'm ready for it to be over. I guess they got it from and adult and for them its just a common cold, but for babies it is much worse.
I am bored out of my mind staying home, I'm suppose to be training for a half marathon and running every day, well I haven't ran once. I miss it. I have got a lot of online shopping done, there are some great after Christmas sales going on. My house is clean and i've watched Tangled 500 times (peytons new obsession) Any way they are both asleep and should be waking up soon. Here's to a happy healthy New Year...


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