21 - 24 Weeks

Before I start I want to apologize for the detail and things I blog about. Now that my blog is private I can be more open. I've said this before, but I want to turn my blog into a book and look back on it some day and how I felt at that moment. My memory is horrible... This is my own little journal. Take it or leave it. I hope you enjoy.

Time to get out the maternity jeans, the regular jeans no longer fit so fat clothes here we come. I haven't had any food aversions like I did with Peyton. With her I couldn't even look at Chicken with out vomiting. Don't get me wrong some meat really isn't my favorite right now, but I still eat it.
I am waking up in the night with charlie horses. Oh how I hate them! I also hate this super hero sense of smell too! I am no longer craving salty things, I've now moved on to anything sweet. Who knows how many packets of fruit snacks I eat a day.... Lets not get started on the ice cream bowls every night.

Speaking of the crap food i've been eating :)

WOW! I went to the doctor today and I am up 16lbs in just one month..... Can you say fatty???
That is .5 lb a day! Woah nelly someone needs to slow down on the ice cream. I weigh exactly what I did with Peyton at 24 weeks. I was really hoping to stay 10lbs under like I have been, but that's what all you can eat buffets on our trip will do to ya. I just have to remember I've lost it once I can do it again, and I am running the Disneyland Tinker Bell half marathon in January so I will for sure be fit by then. Oh and if anyone would like to join us on that vaycay, the more the merrier!
Doctor Cherrington said I'm measuring good and I did mention the swelling in my ankles, he told me summer pregnancies your more likely to retain water and that is just what I am doing. He said 1 gallong of water is about 8lbs and that might explain the extra weight. I love my doctor he is such a good guy I love how he tells me not to worry and just stay healthy and keep working out like I have been. He did mention if I am really worried try to lay off on the excess carbs. I guess I'll try that.

Alright hope you enjoyed that little vent I feel much better now. On a happier note I've started decorating Houston's room and it just makes me more excited for him to arrive. I've chosen cowboy theme because I think it will be simple since we have a lot of cowboy garb to spare and I told Mike next house next year that we can do the Mario theme since this home already has one very colorful room.

Sorry I don't have any bump pictures.... The ones I do have aren't of the bump. I have also been wearing a lot of flowy shirts this pregnancy since it's the style right now and it hides my belly really well.
Here is a random one from Vegas for now.

Just incase you need a good laugh this is for you.

Oh also if you are expecting or are planning on it. Check out this site, they even have a blog forum from other moms in your month that need advice or just want to chat. I love it. 


Kimber said…
You kill me!! At 24 weeks you are just now pulling out maternity?! I'm now 18 weeks and I've been in maternity for at least 4 weeks. Yeah. Wow. I feel huge now!!
Sharli said…
Your gonna move?

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