20 Weeks

Half way there people! It's nice to know I'm half way it feels great. I was telling Mike on the drive home from the doctor that in some ways it just hasn't hit me that we are having another one. He said it has for him, but that our family just dosen't feel complete yet. I reassured him that it will when he gets here :)
As for these last few weeks have gone SLOW because my SIL is expecting and due on Friday and I can't stand it. So exciting! Houston and Cozy will be only 5 months apart. Peyton and Cozy will only be 15 months apart. I think they will all be great friend.

How far along?: 20 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: I am what I weighed when I got pregnant with Peyton! Which makes me feel great! Oh but lets not forget i'm stil up 10lbs. Which is still in the good range :)
Maternity clothes: Not really, which is great! I can still wear a few of my bigger jeans and most of My regular shirts which is great. Not for very much longer though.
Best moment of the week: The confirmation on having a boy and of course feeling those kicks!
Food cravings: Anything unhealthy!
Labor signs: none
Belly button in or out: In
What I am looking forward to: When Mike can feel him kick, and of course holding him for hours and hours.
Milestones: being HALFWAY of course!
Realization of the week: I get to start decorating his nursery!

I was looking back on what I ate yesterday and realized that my cravings got the best of me. I'm trying to be healthy because I'm going to run a half marathon in Jan. so i've been trying to maintain a healthy pregnancy and will continue to do so from here on out.
 Any way I woke up had a little bit of a green smoothie, but let Pey eat it I just wasn't feeling it. I went to Arctic Circle at 11 with some girl friends got mini corn dogs, fries, DP and an ice cream cone. Then met up with some different friends at T.A. at 1, ate a burrito and a lime freeze. Then came home at 3 and ate a WHOLE box of chicken in a biscuit crackers. Oh and yes it was the family size box mind you... I didn't realize it until there were 4 crackers left. Then Mike came home from work and wanted Buffalo Wild Wings. Of course I had to try it out even though I pretty full at this point.

I was really sick today and realized duh you just ate garbage all day yesterday. Sorry Houston, Mom is going to do better and that I have I HATE salad and guess what I ate for dinner. Yup leafy greens.
On another healthy note I work out quite a bit and I just have to say I'm pretty proud of my self! I started a cycling class and I am SORE! I was talking with a friend and I am showing more yet thinner than I was at the same stage with Pey. I can feel Houston ALOT more. I also feel braxston hicks once or twice a day, which I didn't feel until the night before I had Peyton. So strange!

 I went to the doctor and he confirmed BOY! I have to admit I was little anxious because ya never know things could change when you find out so early. I love seeing him in the ultra sounds and hearing how he is looking healthy and growing great. I had to laugh when the doctor asked me if I am eating good. He did this too with Peyton and with her I usually said no, just trying to keep things down. With Houston I said YES, that's all I do is eat! :)

I found this pic from Peyton's 20 week post, and so I had to recreate it. Do I look 10lbs lighter in my current one? NA. I guess with Houston I can still button these pants up for now and I don't have to wear my belly band yet. I guess that's the one way of comparing.

When I saw this picture below I had to laugh because pjs, ice cream and dirty dishes are pretty well known at our home right now.


Cute pictures!! You look AMAZING!! Not to be rude in anyway but you look much healthier in your NOW pictures!! ;) You look GREAT!! We are very very happy for you three!!
Brian and Kayla said…
My pregnancy with Nathan was such a busy one that it didn't hit me that I was going to have a baby until I was in a wheelchair experiencing intense labor pains and watching a nurse wheel a newborn down the hospital corridor. That newborn started crying and I started crying because it was the first time I realized that I was about to have my own baby crying like that within a few hours. Probably would have helped if I would have processed this earlier on but I was working two jobs and moved twice during his pregnancy. I guess after you have one the hype of it all kind of disappears. My pregnancy went by so fast the second time round. You look great Nikki!
paislea said…
you look gorgeous nikki!

drop by allister bee soon!

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