20 Weeks

Half way there people! It's nice to know I'm half way it feels great. I was telling Mike on the drive home from the doctor that in some ways it just hasn't hit me that we are having another one. He said it has for him, but that our family just dosen't feel complete yet. I reassured him that it will when he gets here :) As for these last few weeks have gone SLOW because my SIL is expecting and due on Friday and I can't stand it. So exciting! Houston and Cozy will be only 5 months apart. Peyton and Cozy will only be 15 months apart. I think they will all be great friend. How far along?: 20 weeks 3 days Total weight gain: I am what I weighed when I got pregnant with Peyton! Which makes me feel great! Oh but lets not forget i'm stil up 10lbs. Which is still in the good range :) Maternity clothes: Not really, which is great! I can still wear a few of my bigger jeans and most of My regular shirts which is great. Not for very much longer though. Best moment of...