Christmas 2011

The December birthdays got together and went to Tucanos!
Peyton sure loves her friend Phil.

Ugly Sweater Christmas Parties
Mike and the men in the family went to MI3 while Pey and I when to a few family and friend parties.
I just used a previous years shirt, but make hers. I told Mike that since he wasn't going to be there I was going to make fun of BYU. When he saw her ugly sweater he said "I think it's funny and cleaver." I'm glad he was a good sport.

Twas the night before Christmas and we were not at our house. Saturday we spend the day cleaning in the morning then off to the movies. We saw New Years Eve and it was actually really funny and I loved it because Zac Effron was in it! Then we headed to The Halls to share our favorite scripture of Christ and to read Luke 2 it always amazes me how emotional Luke 2 makes me especially thinking about Christ as a baby and thinking about Peyton when she was born.
We then opened up our PJs and and Peyton opened up some presents from Mi Mi and Pa Pa. Which she is now playing with as I write this. Books and Blocks is what she loves! We headed home and went to bed.

 I woke up somewhere around 5 and went back to sleep then around 7:00 and Mike said you have to wait for Peyton to wake up to go down stairs. He went back to sleep and I went and woke up Peyton shh he dosen't know that. :)  All week I have been telling her not to touch the presents and so when it came time to open them she wasn't really sure. We opened presents and if you know Mike and I we try to surprise each other every year. Even thought we have the universal wish list from Amazon. (if you don't know what that is, Google it. Its Amazing!) We both got spoiled and had a lot of fun watching
Peyton with her presents.

Were a little tired in the fist two. Peytons eyes make me laugh in this one.
Oh see this little ensemble Peyton is wearing, it's MINE from when I was 1. I need to find a picture of me in it.

We then realized we were going to be late and got ready and headed to my parents ward the one I grew up in. It was fun to see everyone I really miss that ward. It was so quite too. They only have 1 nursery compared to our Lehi ward that has 5 to 7. Then we went to my parents for Peyton to open her big present from Grandma P.  She wasn't quite sure about it at first, but now that we have it home she keep hugging it. Then we went to The Halls for family presents and dinner. It is always so fun to see both families and Mike and I are extra spoiled because they are a block or 2 apart. Pa Pa got his beef stick which is his favorite! Then we stopped the present opening because Elder Matthew Hall was on Skype! Yes we got to see him and talk to him again. He got to see Pey and how she had grown. He is coming home the 4th of February! He is well and happy very sad to leave his mission though don't bring that up. Even though we are so very excited to have him home.
Then it was back to opening presents when all of the presents were opened and everything was cleaned up. My adorable husband said Nikki I have a surprise for you.  I laughed and jokingly said a sowing machine. The story behind that was I read a text a to his mom about my Christmas present being a sowing machine I then told him about how I knew and he told me he returned it and was pretty mad. I won't do that again. So back to when I said that I thought there was NO WAY it could be a sowing machine I thought I was banned from that thought forever! Sure enough it was and it is amazing.
This family has been extremely spoiled this holiday season.  Peyton has more toys than I know what to do with. The love really has been over whelming.

Then it was back to my parents later that night. Where Peyton got a pony!! She wan't sure about him at first, but now I can't get her away from him. She now brushes his mane with a fork...

 Even though I just sat and told you all what we got I want you to know that I know that is not what Christmas is all about. I just wrote all that because I want to be able to look back and remember how I felt. If you take something from this post know that the true meaning CHRISTmas is the most important. The birth of my savior and brother Jesus Christ. I love him and am so blessed to have the gospel in my life.
Suzanne and Mike said it best on Christmas Eve.
 Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

I hope everyone one of you had a very Merry Christmas!


paislea said…
ahhhhhhhhh! she's so cute!!!

allister bee blog

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