Happy New Year!

Here you have the first anual Hallish Christmas card! This year has just flown right by! Mike and I were just talking about how he lost his job in the beginning of last year and how he has been at SolutionStream for 10 months now. It seems just yesterday we were stressing about where he was going to work. *Mike couldn't be happier he loves his job. He is busy designing which is what he loves. He also serves as the Wolf Den leader and is over the 8 year old boys and helps them earn their belt-loops and achievements and work toward their Wolf. He got his first duck this year and also went out on his first Utah deer hunt. For fun he plays Xbox with his friends online, travels and watches BYU and the Utah Jazz. Most of all he loves spending time with his family. *Nikki works full time at home raising and training Peyton and Kilo. Every day she goes to bed exhausted from a day full of wrestling and herding. When she gets some spare time ...