
Buongiorno! Mike here.
Things have been a bit crazy and relaxed around our house for the past month. It all started back on January 20th when my employer decided to lay me off with the rest of Marketing and Sales. I have no clue how they expect to be successful without anyone selling or marketing the business but thats not my problem any more. I think everything happens for a reasons and feel that something better is on the horizon.
Being without a job and health insurance scares my pantaloons off, so I dived into updating my portfolio and starting the interview process. With lots of help from different business contacts and friends I had 12 interviews in the first couple weeks. Nothing seemed to be a perfect fit and no offers. So for the last few weeks when I haven't been working on side jobs I have been able to hang out with my beautiful wife and daughter! Its been wonderful. We've been living off savings which has been tough but I'm glad that it happened. Really I've been able to take a month long vacation.
On Monday I had three more interviews lined up. They all went awesome but there was something about the second. I felt great about the position, it was exactly what I'm looking to do and what I love to do. So… dun dunna dah! I'm proud to announce that you are hearing from the newest UI Developer for SolutionStream. Its a job I will love, it has the pay I was looking to get, its close to home. Everything about it is just peachy. I can't wait. I start this next Monday and it will be wonderful.

Nikki on the other hand, hasn't enjoyed the month long vacation. Here is her take.

My first reaction when Mike walked in the door around noon. I said "hey, here for lunch?" He told me he got let go. I laughed and said no really whats up? Then I could tell by the look on his face. This was no joke.
Trying to be strong and supportive for Mike was hard. I am an open book when it comes to emotion. He knew I was scared. I knew deep down everything was going to be okay, I have faith in the Lord. I also have family if needed and they were all right there letting us know this. It really has been nice to be with Mike. I love spending time with him, but it's not the ideal situation. Through the last few weeks I have learned a lot. How to budget better, what is a want and what is a need. This trial really has been a blessing in disguise. My testimony has definitely grown and my love for my family has once again been increased. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. I am also grateful that I will be able to continue to stay home with Peyton. She is such a blessing and we love having this little angel in our home. We are the luckiest!
Thanks for reading :)


Esplins said…
Congrats on the new job! The Lord really is mindful of us and I'm glad it helped you get through a time of uncertainty. I wish so bad we could hang out tonight but Steve is super sick. He had to call in to work and I actually took the day off to help because he just isn't getting better. We really want to hang out soon though... maybe next weekend? We'll see you Sunday (or at least I will see you Sunday) though!
Whitney said…
O good! I'm so glad Mike found a job! Good for you guys! You need to post more pics soon. I love seeing her face!
Whitney Parry said…
I am sure glad Mike got that job. Time to celebrate-- off to Tai Pan we go!!

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