Happy Birthday and Thanksgiving!

This year my birthday was the day before Thanksgiving.
Tuesday- My family went to Sammy's in Pleasant Grove. It was BOGO so it was prefect. Who doesn't want free shakes? MMM Peach Cobbler and Raspberry Cheesecake are my fav so far. Any way it was a lot of fun just eating junk with the Fam bam. And opening presents of course. Thanks everyone!

Wednesday- My Birthday~! My best friend Kristen came over and did my hair and got Peyton all ready. It was wonderful! I couldn't figure out how to curl my hair with a straightener, but she thought me! So you will probably see a lot more pics with me in curls and Mike loves it that way. We hung out and watched GTU then headed to lunch at Zupas with Emilee, Mckell and their kids. I really love the soup they have. It was so fun catching up with everyone.

That night Mike came home from work and we dropped Pey off with Grandma Parry and headed to SLC! I usually go to the Harvest or Flemmings for my Birthday this year it was Flemmings! The filet minion just melts in your mouth. Ah so good! It was very romantic and wonderful just to be with Mike on my big day. We shopped at Gate way and hung out by the fire, fountain and Christmas tree. Then we headed home. Mike gave me a camera (yes my other one got stolen) for my Birthday a month early so I could have it for Disneyland. I knew he was getting me something else though, but I wasn't holding my breath just incase he didn't, but he did!!! Disney Kinect Adventures and I ended up staying up late playing it :) 

Thursday- Thanksgiving morning Mike went golfing with his family and I headed to go duck hunting with my family.  Sadly I didn't get one, but my brother did since they flew his direction and not mine. Later that day Suzanne pick Pey and I up and we headed to Bountiful for Thanksgiving dinner at the Altoms. We ate a delicious meal and played Mafia and Scum. I was actually winning for once it was great since it was only my second time playing Scum. And of course we watched lots of football. Jason and Adam taught Sharolee and I how to play Risk. We didn't ge to finish, but we have a few pictures of the board. I was really a relaxing day just to vegg out. This year I was Thankful that I was not sick on my birthday and on Thanksgiving.

About 10PM my best friend Spencer picked me up and we headed to Wal-Mart. Yes we are crazy, but it was a lot of fun. I got some really great movies for cheap and other stuff I can't say because Mike reads  this :) Then we headed to Khols and it was also madness. So we hid our stuff in a coat and left so we could pick it up the next day. It was around 2 or 3AM and I was tired. We did stop at BestBuy, but the T.V. didn't compare to Costo prices.

Friday- Mike and I went shopping for our families presents and just hung out and played some COD. We went over to my parents for some Thanksgiving leftovers and to take pictures of Pey in the leaves.

Saturday- Mike, Whitney, Pey and I went to the Muppets. Mike absolutely loved it!! I did a lot of playing with Pey in the hall way. She was way to hyper to watch a movie then will all of her running she crashed and fell asleep. I got to some of it and liked what I saw.
That night we went and got some yummy Indian food with my parents, Colton, Lynne, Payden and Annette. It was first time for a lot of them and I think they will all go back!

Sunday-  Church of course and then we went to Mikes family for mine and Jasons Birthday Dinner! I got and entertainment center a few months ago, but Suzanne got me a giftcard to Tai pan!! Sneaky lady oh and I got a ton of hot coco wrapped up like a kiss! Those Zippro's are clever aren't they! Strawberry cheese cake for dessert! Jason and I were in heaven! We talked the night away and laughed at Pey she is good and entertaining us. Now that she is walking everywhere she is has a lot more bonks too. She is so fun and so hyper.

Jason and Sharolee gave me this big kiss! Inside was lots and lots of hot coco! :)

In conclusion it was truly an amazing week! I was defiantly spoiled! I really am so lucky and so grateful for all of the family and friends I have. I really love each and every single one of them! Thank you everyone. I am so blessed!


Brian and Kayla said…
I was thinking about you! Sounds like you had a great week!

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