Hawaii Day 4

I woke up rather early, I feel like The Halls knew how to handle the time change a lot better than me. I'd say it was about 6AM HI time and 10AM UT time everyone was asleep. I found out later Suzanne was at the store, but everyone else was sleeping I was hoping by this time to be sort of adjusted, nope not quite.
I went outside to watch the sun rise against the palm trees and had some nice alone time. I was soaking in the beauty. This is about the time I twittered this picture as I sat and watched the surfers for a while.

The picture above was about 30 feet from our room that we stayed in at Waiohai beach club. It really couldn't have been better.  Amanda came and found me and told me breakfast was ready. After we ate we all went out and walked on the beach. I was told to find a red tent and that's where they did lessons. Today was our relax day. Nothing planned and that meant I knew exactly what I had planned!! We found the hut and made an apt. at 1:00 which was around high tide. Until then we swam and relaxed. I talked Amanda into to making an apt to go with us. 
It was time! Adam our wonderful photographer came out to cheer us on. 

First we had to learn how to stand and get up on the sand.

Then we carried our boards over to where we surfed, they had us carry them on our head. I think this was the hardest part of the whole day. 

 Adam helped me because I was struggling.

Me surfing!! It was so much fun!

In the middle you can see Mike and Amanda. The guy in the red hat is the beach bum of Kauai who taught us and the guy in the while and blue hat is Kelly. He was the main guy who taught us. 


 Taking a rest in the ocean.

We had a blast!! I will go every time I am near a beach it was so much fun. If you've never done it you should try it. It won't disappoint. 
After surfing we went to a local water fall and rope swing. 



Amanda was thinking about representing the girl, but decided to play it safe with the rest of us :)
 Sharolee and Jason

 Mike and Adam

For dinner this night we went to a Chinese restaurant. It was actually pretty good, a lady told us all of the locals go there and so we check it out.  I sure do love some good fried rice.
I only have half a husband in this one ha ha ha

I would say this was one of my most favorite days of the trip. It is hard to compare because they were all great. 


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