Hawaii Day 3

We started our day off with an adventure to the Dole Plantation. I was really excited for this because I knew they have Dole Whips there!! We drove along the shore line on the beautiful drive to the plantation.  We started off by going on a train tour through the plantation which was pretty neat. I was a little bummed that they had just harvested ALL of the pineapples. Which means for a lot of the tour it was fields of dirt, still very pretty though if you can believe that.

Then we walked through the garden and saw all of the beautiful flowers! 

Amanda, Mike and I did the pineapple maze which started out to be pretty awesome, but then we realized how big it is and might have taken a short cut or two, but it was still cool to see and now I can say I've done it!

For our reward we got dole whips! Mike got the dole whip float which was in a cute souvenir pineapple that has a top like a piggy bank :) I got a waffle cone of course! It was everything I had hoped for!

Then we headed back to town and down to Pearl Harbor, this was very neat! There was a very different feeling there. I guess the pictures will have to do the talking for me.

This pic is just scary hair has taken over Amanda, the sun is killing my eyes and some random guys and his kid decided to smile for our picture. Other than that the Halls look great!

We stopped at this local place for some lunch. It was a total dive, but the review were amazing so we ate there. Everyone loved their food. I ordered a teryaki burger expecting it to be like Carl Jr because that is my favorite burger. Nope it was gross, but I had some of Mikes fish and chips. They were delicious!!! YUM! We then met up with Sharolee and Jason and headed to Kauai! While waiting Shawn Bradley walked by he is very very tall man. He played for BYU and later when pro.

On the plane it was a short little flight about an hour i'd say. They give this juice from Hawaiian air, not my fave but Mike liked it.

 Mike rented a Jeep Wrangler, he has been talking about this for months. He even got red for me :)



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