Jesus wants me for a sun BEAM to shine for him each day! Right now I just want cry. I just found out Brother Hall and I have been released. I knew it was coming and it is time, but I am very sad. I love those little kids. I am going to miss feeling the spirit ever week during singing time. Their little tender voices will forever make me smile. Yesterday was the Primary Program and they all did so good! Every single one of my 6 said their part and yes they all had them memorized. I was one proud teacher! They learned Praise to The Man and sang it, I loved listening to little voices sing such big words. For example: communed, Jehovah, anointed, dispensation, ascended, and Mingling I hope I have taught these little one as much as they have taught me. Every week I think to my self be like a little child. Each week Mike and I would giggle at some of their answers and things they would tell us. I am going to miss that a lot. Like how "18 ...