Pretty Peyton

On Thursday we were at Lacey and Jeffs reception which was very beautiful! Lo and behold our friends Aubrey and Sam were their photographers. These two girl are AMAZING to say the least. They took a few of Pey that Mike and I absolutely love!!

There is no doubt about it, Pey loves sugar! They had snow cones at their wedding and Pey had her own.


paislea said…
oh my gosh. she is so gorgeous. and look at you nikki! looking lovely as ever!! we need to get together soon!!!

allister bee blog
The Halls said…
Pais your funny, I look dumb eating my Swedish fishies! Yes we do need to!
Anonymous said…
Ah ha!! Now I can get back on and stalk you :) Cute pics!!! She is gorgeous just like her mom :) Keep up the posts!!! Like for instance..... Hawaii??? That would be a good one!! :)

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