Hawaii Day 2

Woke up at 6 and went to the gym, let me remind you that 6am HI time is 10am UT time :) My view was palm trees and ocean as I ran. Yup it was a great work out! We left then for the temple. We were all planning on doing baptisms, but if you have been endowed they won't let you unless you have your own names so Suzanne and I were workers. It was very neat to even be there so I didn't mind too much. I had a very spiritual experience that I will never forget. Mike was able to baptize Adam and Amanda. I am having a hard time explaining this, but the pride and love I have for Mike grew. I am proud of him and so happy he was able to do that. I am glad he is a worthy priesthood holder. I am lucky to have him as my husband. I love you babe! After that we went to the Visitors center, but it wasn't open yet. We decided to get some grub while we waited. We ate by an ice cream shop. I saw they had boba!!!! One of my most favorite treats ever! I was in 7t...