Ready Ready Ready, Ready to RUN!

**Strawberry Days Guns & Hoses 3.1 mi 00:32 10:15 pace
**Lehi Round Up 5k 3.1 mi 00:32 10:25 pace
**Provo Freedom Festival 5K 3.1 mi 00:32 10:27 pace
**Steel Days 5K American Fork 3.1 mi 00:31 10:09 pace
     It has been a little less than a month and I think so far so good. Strawberry Days I defiantly had the most adrenaline starting out. Lehi and Steel Day's were pretty tough. It was hot and I was sore. My favorite so far has been the Freedom Festival. It was a great run I felt like I could have done the 10k. I booked it up the hill at the end and had so much energy the whole time. That is kind of funny since it is my longest time. I thought today at Steel Days I was draggin' A and behind pace... Sure enough I got a new P.R.!!
     I am nervous for the 24th not only is it my "birthday", but I have signed up for my first 10k, the Pioneer Day Classic. My goal is just to finish that one. Walking is defiantly and option here :)  
I may have been a little too excited :)
Freedom Fest

Sara my Freedom Fest running buddy

Me being silly after the Steel Days run with Whit!

"Whitney you're only HALF CRAZY! 13.1" This is where it started I went to her SLC half and thought I want to do that! Thanks for being my inspiration Whit and my running partner!


Mike and I have both lost 20lbs since then. Pey has gained :)


Esplins said…
K when I read the title I was a little jealous thinking you were going to tell me you saw Dixie Chicks in concert or something without me... whew! :) I'm so proud of you for running! I bet you feel great! Good job Nik! Keep it up!
Sarah said…
Girl you are AWESOME! Keep up the great work! I need to get into a 10k. But man- What is your running secrets?! I need advice from you!

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