Disneyland Day 2

Our plan was to wake up early and go on the busy rides that we missed yesterday. Well we all slept in till about 9:30 and when we woke up breakfast was ready and it was an amazing feast! Whitney's daddy (where we were staying) made it. I hate bacon, but I have discovered Turkey bacon! (Mike will be happy to have bacon in our home) We ate and played with the kids and left for Disney arriving about 1:00 again. We rode all of the rides we didn't get to the previous day. Enjoy the pics!

My hottie of a sister, here is her post of this trip.

Dane and Pluto, he is his most favorite character. I'm so happy he got to have a picture with him!
Whits favorite ride, Winnie the Pooh!

Turkey legs and Soup bowls!
The highlight of the trip for me was this and the fireworks.
The Lilly Belle if you have never road it then you must. It was way neat.

Napping on Minnie's bed

For years and years I have tried to watch the fireworks, but it has always been way to windy. I finally got to see them and it was amazing! I love tink and her bright green outfit!

After we went to the Lego store. Dane is a Lego fanatic.
I covered his eyes and we made him guess where he was.

He freaked when he saw this. His two favorite things. Legos + Star Wars = Perfection

It was such a fun vay cay.
There aren't any SD Temple pics because I didn't end up getting to go :(
I always have my recommend in my wallet well last week I took it out since it was expired and went and got a new one, but never put it back in my wallet because I need the stakes signature. Mike called me and told me I left it, I though oh they can look it up at the temple, but then I realized it was expired.
Ya I'm really sad I missed my friends sealing and didn't get to see one of my most favorite temples.
I guess that means I'll be going to SD soon to see it.

Thanks for reading my posts and to leave on a happy note.
Dane said to Ashton on the ride home " If you have 1 half leg and 1 half turkey leg then you have 1 whole working leg" ha ha ha
Also Dane stumped us with 20 questions his first item was poo then a robot and other wired things. It took us a long long time to finally guess them.  :)


todd and erin said…
So we were at Disneyland at the same time! It looks like you had fun. Also, we'll be moving to San Diego in August so if you ever want to come back to the temple, you will have a place to stay. :)
Brooke {B} said…
Im so jealous that you are there!! It looks like so much fun. I want to take Connor so bad! I love reading your blog and keeping up with how you're doing.. I just need to be better about leaving comments! :) Miss you!
Esplins said…
I'm so jealous! I will be your vaycay buddy next time and we'll hit Disney & the temple, okay? I would love it!

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