Spring is in the air!

It has been wonderful weather the last few days. Mckell and our kiddies went to the softball games. This was Peytons first time on the grass. As you can see she tried to eat it.

This pic reminds me of a story. I helped my friend Payden pick out his engagement ring for Annette and when we were there. The salesman joked about how I am starting P off young having her look at diamonds so already. He said whats next a pony? 
We laughed and said she already has one of those! 
This is P meeting her pony blueberry for the first time.

 Mike and I were joking around about all the stuff my body has wrong with it and we hope P gets most of Mikes genes. Here is a picture of her wearing my glasses.


Whitney Parry said…
I love the glasses picture! So funny

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