3 Months

This is bitter sweet for me. My little newborn is not a newborn any more and I don't like it. She is growing up too fast. On the other end I love watching her grow and develop. She already has quite the personality! We went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and she was 12.5 lbs and 27 in. long I'm not sure what she is now, but she is defiantly heavier. * I love her giggles! * Our little fishy is blowing bubbles more and more every day * I wonder if she is going to cut teeth soon she is a drooler! * She arches her back if she doesn't like something. She threw a little tantrum when I put her in her car seat yesterday... * Peyt can now grab her toys and pull them in to her mouth. * She loves to be NAKED! * She is ticklish all over * P is a talker, especially around 5 AM I have to keep shushing her so she doesn't wake up daddy. She is also a SCREAMER! (video to come tomorrow) If she is really really happy she will full on scream and k...